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looks of the interesting couple, as they glided through the intricate reel, drinking love from each other's beaming looks, as if unconscious of the existence of any other person in that large hall.

Bursts of admiration were heard from all parts of the room, such as, "How charming they look! What a match! How gracefully they move!"

The objects of these remarks were truly deserving of such compliments; both dressed in full suit of Highland costume, Bella in her favourite silk McKay tartan, and Charlie in his Royal Stuart.

With what jealous looks Lord Lundy watched the happy pair! What a sudden transformation came over the listless and disinterested partner of his dances during the evening! How happy he would feel were the least of her sparkling looks or sweet smiles bestowed upon himself!

When the music had ceased, and the couples were taking their seats, Charlie was going to conduct his fair partner to her former seat beside Lord Lundy, Bella clung to him nervously, and whispered in his ear, "Not there I beseech you, let us seek the fresh air." With a heart bounding with joy, Charlie wheeled round on his heel at this intimation, leading his willing charge to the balcony.

On arriving at the other end, Bella drew a long breath as if relieved of a heavy weight, on escaping from her tiresome company, and exclaimed, "Oh, what a relief."

"It is indeed, very oppressive in there," replied Charlie, misinterpreting her.

"'Tis not the closeness of the hall I mean, but in getting out of the tiresome company with which I have been persecuted all the evening," added Bella.

"Indeed," replied her companion, as if doubting her words; "I thought the company was very agreeable to you, the Captain's in particular."

Bella raised her eyes to him mournfully, on hearing, for the first time in her life, the reproachful tone of his voice, and, in quivering accents, said: "I thought you would be the last on earth to insinuate, or harbour the belief, that I could over enjoy the company of one, or