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Alighting from their steeds, Mr. McKay anxiously inquired whether the pony proved untractable, or whether Bella had met with any accident. The young people were a little confused, but Charlie answered, evasively, "Not at all, Mr. McKay, see how docile he looks," which, indeed, was true, as the little animal was now quite submissive.

Bella slipped into her room in the interim, to escape her father's scrutiny and interrogating. Charlie, also, on the same grounds, mounted his horse, bade his neighbour good evening, and rode off hurriedly home.

Lord Lundy, after suffering a repetition of his former jealousy, on seeing the lovers again so familiarly enjoying each others company, and his rival, Charlie Stuart, once more distinguish himself by his gallantry and devotion in saving Bella's life, which his own unguarded and accidental shot had imperilled.

To see Bella once more in Charlie Stuart's arms when they alighted from their horses, was bitter gall to his heart, and he made a solemn vow internally that, as he could entertain no hope of separating them, or gaining possession of her by fair means, be would do so by foul.

Many desperate and dishonorable expedients are resorted to, even among the highest classes of society, by persons suffering under the unfortunate passion of jealousy; and it will be seen that the high-born and noble Lord Lundy was no exception to this rule. Baffled in all his attempts to attract the simple and plain Highland maid, who made such a deep and everlasting impression on his heart, which had withstood all the allurements and fascination of the beauty of the English court.

Under the impression that the young couple had not perceived him, and were ignorant of author of the (although, to do his Lordship justice, he was not aware of their vicinity when he fired the shot, and on perceiving the mistake he followed them in alarm lest any accident should take place), he had just appeared in sight when Charlie, at the critical moment, gently forced his horse between the pony and the precipice and saved Bella from a violent death. It was then on seeing