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her safe, and so fondly in the arms of his rival, that his former jealousy returned with redoubled inveteracy, and it was under such conflicting emotions that he did not call at Mr. McKay's to apologise and inquire after Bella's health. He, however, sent for Mr. McKay, one day afterwards, to sound him, in order to ascertain whether he became acquainted with the affair, and also the unfortunate meeting at the Bridge of Linn on his first arrival. If Mr. McKay was ignorant of these affairs (which he thought possible) he had matured a plan, after considerable pains and study, which he thought would turn that gentleman against Charlie Stuart, and forward his own wishes.

When Mr. McKay waited on his Lordship at the castle in conformity with the summons, that nobleman received him with unusual cordiality and marked attention; and after touching on several subjects, his Lordship opened his negotiations in the following words:—

"I have sent for you, Mr. McKay, in order to ascertain certain delicate facts which I have been for some time loath to touch upon, but as they concern us both, I consider myself justified in introducing them on the present occasion. However, as I feel rather puzzled how to begin, I hope you will excuse my asking you several questions first, to which, I hope, you will give candid answers."

"Certainly, my Lord, I shall be most happy to give you all the information in my power on any subject which may interest your Lordship," replied Mr, McKay, a little surprised.

"In the first place, I want to know whether you were aware that your daughter and your young neighbour, Charles Stuart, were riding out together some days back, and whether they mentioned anything that took place, or had seen me on that day."

"I am aware that they had been riding certainly, as it was at my own suggestion they went, but as for mentioning seeing your Lordship, or that any thing had taken place, they never breathed a syllable about it; and now, since you have mentioned it, I noticed something unusual in their manner, and particularly in my daughter,