Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 4.djvu/36

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Roscoe (Thomas) — Continued.

Cf., g.t., Clarke, Mar., '99. (64) £18 10s. CI., unc. Bangs, June 29, '99. (235) $57. CI., unc, with labels. Bangs, Apr. 9, '01. (251) $73.63. CL, unc, Wylie, May, '01. (184) £7 10s. CL, Lloyd, Jan., '02. (153) £10 10s. CI., Bangs, Mar. 3, '02. (246) $54.15. CI., unc, Anderson, Apr. 28, '02. (119) $52.50.

ROSCOE (WILLIAM). Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth. Liverpool, 1805. 4 vols., 4to. Cf., Livermore, Nov., '94. (2070) $8. Mor., g.e., Soth., Feb. 22, '97. (197) £19s. Rus., Crawford, Mar., '91. (2736) £1 4s.

ROSCOMMON (EARL OF). Essay on Translated Verse. Lond., J. Tonson, 1684. 4to.

Mor., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (1136) $13.

Works. See Rochester, Roscommon and Dorset (Earls of).

ROSE (H.). Genealogical Deduction of the Family of Rose of Kilravock. Edited by Innes. Edinb., 1848. 4to.

    • Large paper.

Hf. mor., unc, Craig, June, '87. (2253) £2 8s.

ROSE (HUGH JAMES). New General Biographical Dictionary. Lond., 1848. 12 vols., 8vo. CI., Putt, Aug. 10, '87. (821) £18s. Vel., r.e.. Rose, June, '91. (1377) £1 8s.

New General Biographical Dictionary. Lond., 1857. 12 vols., 8vo. CL, Hodgson, May 26, '87. (435) £1 10s. Hf. bd., Watson, Jan, '88. (461) £1 9 s. Cf., Clarke, May, '89. (145) £114s. Hf. cf., Libbie, Apr. 15, '96. (857) $7.50. Cf., m.e., Rogers, Nov., '98. (487) $9.60. Cf., m.e.. Twopenny, May, '02. (962) £2 16s.

ROSE (JAMES ANDERSON). Collection of Engraved Portraits. Lond., 1874. 4to. Unc, Craig, Mar., '88. (4255) £2 19s. Hf. vel., Bonomi, Nov., '91. (568) £1 17s. Hf. vel., Swayne, Nov., '92. (685) £2 5s. Hf. vel. (presentation copy to C. G. Lewis), Garrett, Mar., '94. (552) £1 12s. Hf. vel., unc, Scharf, Feb., '96. (871) £2 16s.

ROSE (JOHN). English Vineyard Vindicated, by John Rose. Edited by John Evelyn. Lond., 1666. 8vo. Cf., Soth., July 28, '04. (266) £6 10s.

ROSE (JOSHUA). Modern Machine-Shop Practice. N. Y., 1892. 2 vols., 4to. Cf., Bangs, Oct. 12, '99. (214) $6.50. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Oct. 19, 1900. (271) $8.25. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Dec. 14, 1900. (167) $5.50.

ROSEBERY (EARL OF). The Earl of Rosebery v. Sir H. Mildmay. Account of the Trial for Crim. Con. Lond., Fiarburn, [1814]. Frontis- piece by Cruikshank. 8vo. Hf. cf., Bruton, June, '97. (94) £3 7s.

ROSETTA STONE. Report of the Committee Appointed by the Philomathean Society of the University of Pennsylvania to Translate the Inscription on the Rosetta Stone. [Phila., 1857]. 4to. Bds., Livermore, Nov., '94. (2075) $6.50. Bds., unc, Henkels, Mav, 1900. (120) $5.75. Bds., Anderson, Apr. 16, '03. (200) $6.50. Report of the Committee Appointed by the Philomathean Society of the University of Pennsylvania to Translate the Inscription on the Rosetta Stone. Second Edition. [Phila. n.d.]. 4to. CL, Anderson, Apr. 1, '03. (637) $10.25.

    • India paper.

Mor., g.e., Bancker, Mar., '98. (615) $22.

ROSIER (JAMES). True Relation of the Most Prosperous Voyage Made 1605, by George Waymouth. Lond., 1605. 4to. Drake, '83. £301.