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Art. 15. This convention shall go into operation on the first day of April 1891, and shall remain in force for seven years.

If, twelve months before the expiration of the first seven years, no notice of a desire for the cessation of the effects of this convention shall have been given, the Union shall continue to exist for seven years longer, and so on, in periods of seven years each.

Notice of a desire for the cessation of the effects of this convention shall be addressed to the Belgian Government. Such notice shall have no effect save as regards the country giving it, and the convention shall remain in force so far as the other countries of the Union are concerned.

The Governments shall at all times be at liberty to make in this convention, by mutual agreement, such improvements as may be deemed expedient or necessary.

In testimony whereof, the undersigned have signed this Convention, and have thereunto affixed their seals.

Done at Brussels, July the fifth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety.

  • For the Argentine Republic,
    • Carlos Calvo y Capdevila[seal]
  • For Austria-Hungary,
    • Eperjesy[seal]
  • For Belgium,
    • Lambermont[seal]
    • Léon Biebüyck[seal]
    • Kebers[seal]
  • For Bolivia,
    • Joaquin Caso[seal]
  • For Chili,
    • N. Peña Vicuña[seal]
  • For the Independent State of the Congo,
    • Edm. van Eetvelde[seal]
  • For the Republic of Costa Rica,
    • Manuel M. de Peralta[seal]
  • For Denmark and her Colonies,
    • Schack de Brockdorff[seal]
  • For Spain and her Colonies,
    • J. G. de Aguëra[seal]
  • For the United States of America,
    • Edwin H. Terrell, ad referendum[seal]
  • For France and her Colonies,
    • A. Bourée[seal]
  • For Great Britain and sundry British Colonies,
    • Martin Gosselin[seal]
    • A. E. Bateman[seal]
  • For British India,
    • Martin Gosselin[seal]
    • A. E. Bateman[seal]
  • For the Dominion of Canada,
    • Charles Tupper[seal]
  • For West Australia,
  • For the Cape of Good Hope,
    • Martin Gosselin[seal]
    • A. E. Bateman[seal]
  • For Natal,
    • Martin Gosselin[seal]
    • A. E. Bateman[seal]
  • For New South Wales,
    • Saul Samuel[seal]
  • For New Zealand,
    • Francis Dillon Bell[seal]
  • For Queensland,
  • For Tasmania,
    • Martin Gosselin[seal]
    • A. E. Bateman[seal]
  • For Newfoundland,
    • Martin Gosselin[seal]
    • A. E. Bateman[seal]
  • For Victoria,
    • Graham Berry[seal]
  • For Greece,
    • P. Mulle[seal]
  • For Guatemala,
    • Alexis Capouillet[seal]
  • For the Republic of Hayti,
    • G. de Deken[seal]
  • For Italy and her Colonies,
    • F. de Renzis[seal]