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Art. 123. The captain shall see that all the prophylactic measures executed during the voyage are recorded in the ship's journal. This journal shall be presented by him to the competent authority of the port of arrival.

In each port of call the captain shall have the list prepared in accordance with Article 110 viséed by the competent authority.

In case a pilgrim is landed during the course of the voyage, the captain shall note the fact on the list opposite the name of the pilgrim.

In case of an embarkation, the persons embarked shall be mentioned on this list in conformity with the aforementioned Article 110 and before it is viséed again by the competent authority.

Art. 124. The bill of health delivered at the port of departure shall not be changed during the course of the voyage.

It shall be viséed by the health authority of each port of call, who shall note thereon:

  • 1. The number of passengers landed or embarked in the port.
  • 2. The incidents occurring at sea and affecting the health or life of the persons on board.
  • 3. The sanitary condition of the port of call.


A. Sanitary measures applicable to Mussulman-pilgrim ships hailing from an infected port and bound from the south toward Hedjaz

Art. 125. Pilgrim ships hailing from the south and bound for Hedjaz shall first stop at the sanitary station of Camaran, where they shall be subjected to the measures prescribed by Articles 126 to 128.

Art. 126. Vessels recognized as uninfected after a medical inspection shall obtain pratique when the following operations are completed:

The pilgrims shall be landed, take a shower or sea bath, and their soiled linen and the part of their wearing apparel and baggage which appears suspicious in the opinion of the health authority shall be disinfected. The duration of these operations, including debarkation and embarkation, shall not exceed forty-eight hours.

If no real or suspected case of plague or cholera is discovered during these operations, the pilgrims shall be reembarked immediately and the vessel shall proceed toward Hedjaz.

For plague, the provisions of Articles 23 and 24 shall be applied with regard to the rats which may be found on board the vessels.

Art. 127. Suspicious vessels on board of which there were cases of plague or cholera at the time of departure but on which there has been no new case of plague or cholera for seven days, shall be treated in the following manner:

The pilgrims shall be landed, take a shower or sea bath, and their soiled