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B. Pilgrims returning southward

Art. 150. Sufficiently complete sanitary arrangements shall be installed in the ports of embarkation of Hedjaz in order to render possible the application, to pilgrims who have to travel southward in order to return to their homes, of the measures which are obligatory by virtue of Articles 46 and 47 at the moment of departure of these pilgrims in the ports situated beyond the Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb.

The application of these measures is optional; that is, they are only to be applied in those cases in which the consular officer of the country to which the pilgrim belongs, or the physician of the vessel on which he is about to embark, deems them necessary.

Chapter III. Penalties

Art. 151. Every captain convicted of not having conformed, in the distribution of water, provisions, or fuel, to the obligations assumed by him, shall be liable to a fine of two Turkish pounds.[1] This fine shall be collected for the benefit of the pilgrim who shall have been the victim of the default, and who shall prove that he has vainly demanded the execution of the agreement made.

Art. 152. Every infraction of Article 104 shall be punished by a fine of thirty Turkish pounds.

Art. 153. Every captain who has committed or who has knowingly permitted any fraud whatever concerning the list of pilgrims or the bill of health provided for in Article 110 shall be liable to afine of fifty Turkish pounds.

Art. 154. Every captain of a vessel arriving without a bill of health from the port of departure, or without a visé from the ports of call, or who is not provided with the list required by the regulations and regularly kept in accordance with Articles 110, 123, and 124, shall be liable in each case to a fine of twelve Turkish pounds.

Art. 155. Every captain convicted of having or having had on board more than 100 pilgrims without the presence of a commissioned physician in conformity with the provisions of Article 103 shall be liable to a fine of thirty Turkish pounds.

Art. 156. Every captain convicted of having or having had on board a greater number of pilgrims than that which he is authorized to embark in conformity with the provisions of Article 110 shall be liable to a fine of five Turkish pounds for each pilgrim in excess.

The pilgrims in excess of the regular number shall be landed at the first station at which a competent authority resides, and the captain shall be obliged to furnish the landed pilgrims with the money necessary to pursue their voyage to their destination.

  1. The Turkish pound is worth 22 francs and 50 centimes. [Footnote in original.]