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Art. 157. Every captain convicted of having landed pilgrims at a place other than their destination, except with their consent or excepting cases of vis major, shall be liable to a fine of twenty Turkish pounds for each pilgrim wrongfully landed.

Art. 158. All other infractions of the provisions relative to pilgrim ships are punishable by a fine of from 10 to 100 Turkish pounds.

Art. 159. Every violation proven in the course of a voyage shall be noted on the bill of health as well as on the list of pilgrims. The competent authority shall draw up a report thereof and deliver it to the proper party.

Art. 160. In Ottoman ports, violations of the provisions concerning pilgrim ships shall be proven and the fine imposed by the competent authority in conformity with Articles 173 and 174.

Art. 161. All agents called upon to assist in the execution of the provisions of the present convention with regard to pilgrim ships are liable to punishment in conformity with the laws of their respective countries in case of faults committed by them in the application of the said provisions.

Title IV. Surveillance and execution

I. The Sanitary, Maritime, and Quarantine Board of Egypt

Art. 162. The stipulations of Annex III of the Sanitary Convention of Venice of January 30, 1892, concerning the composition, rights and duties, and operation of the Sanitary, Maritime, and Quarantine Board of Egypt, are confirmed as they appear in the decrees of His Highness the Khedive under date of June 19, 1893,[1] and December 25, 1894,[2] as well as in the ministerial decision of June 19, 1894 [1893].[3]

The said decrees and decision are annexed to the present convention.

Art. 163. The ordinary expenses resulting from the provisions of the present convention, especially those relating to the increase of the personnel belonging to the Sanitary, Maritime, and Quarantine Board of Egypt, shall be covered by means of an annual supplementary payment by the Egyptian Government of the sum of 4,000 Egyptian pounds, which may be taken from the surplus revenues from the light-house service remaining at the disposal of said Government.

However, the proceeds of a supplementary quarantine tax of 10 tariff dollars per pilgrim to be collected at Tor shall be deducted from this sum.

In case the Egyptian Government should find difficulty in bearing this share of the expenses, the Powers represented in the Board of Health shall reach an understanding with the Khedival Government in order to insure the participation of the latter in the expenses contemplated.

  1. For text, see p. 403.
  2. For text, see p. 409.
  3. For text, see p. 410.