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Dr. C. Stékoulis, delegate of the Netherlands to the Superior Board of Health of Constantinople;

Mr. A. Plate, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Rotterdam, extraordinary member of the Superior Board of Hygiene.

For Persia:

General Nazare Aga Yémin-es-Saltané, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary near the President of the French Republic.

For Portugal:

Dr. José Joaquim da Silva Amado, of His Very Faithful Majesty's Council, professor at the Institute of Hygiene of Lisbon, Vice President of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

For Roumania:

Mr. Grégoire G. Ghika, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary near the President of the French Republic;

Dr. Jean Cantacuzène, member of the Superior Board of Health of Roumania.

For Russia:

Mr. Platon de Waxel, present Counselor of State.

For Servia:

Dr. Michel Popovitch, Chargé d'Affaires at Paris.

For Sweden and Norway:

Mr. H. Akerman, Minister of Sweden near the President of the French Republic.

For Switzerland:

Mr. Charles Edouard Lardy, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Swiss Confederation near the President of the French Republic;

Dr. F. Schmid, Director of the Federal Health Bureau.

For the Ottoman Empire:

Dr. Duca Pacha, Inspector General of the Health Administration of the Ottoman Empire;

General Djellal Ismail Pacha, Professor agrégé of internal medicine at the Imperial School of Medicine.

For Egypt: Mohamed Cherif Pacha, Under Secretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

Dr. M. A. Ruffer, President of the Sanitary, Maritime, and Quarantine Board of Egypt.

The President presented to the Conference the authentic text of the draft