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Convention containing the results of the work of the Conference. He invited the delegates having the necessary powers to sign this Convention, the diplomatic instrument of which had been prepared in one original according to a custom established by several precedents.

This original will be deposited in the archives of the Government of the Republic and a certified copy of it will be sent through diplomatic channels to each of the signatory Powers.

The delegates of Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, Luxemburg, Montenegro, Russia, Roumania, and Switzerland announced that they were ready to sign the Convention.

Dr. Da Silva Amado, delegate of Portugal, stated, in the name of his Government, that he was authorized to sign the Convention ad referendum.

Mr. Delyanni, delegate of Greece, made the same statement.

Dr. Duca Pacha, delegate of the Ottoman Empire, read the following declaration:

"The Ottoman delegates declare in the name of their Government that they are authorized to accede ad referendum, with the reservations which they have made in the protocols and in the procès-verbaux, as well as on the occasion of the votes, concerning questions numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 9 of Mr. Proust's report, and maintain their protests with respect to question no. 6, concerning the modification of the Superior Board of Health of Constantinople; no. 8, concerning the obligation of the Superior Board of Health of Constantinople to carry out the decisions of the Conference; no. 10, concerning the establishment of an International Bureau of Health, these being questions which the Imperial Ottoman Government considers outside the prerogatives of the Conference, and in the discussions of which the Ottoman delegates did not participate.

"The Ottoman delegates also maintain their protests made at the plenary session of November 16, 1903, concerning the declaration of the sanitary condition of the pilgrimage and of Hedjaz, and declare that they protest against any sending of foreign physicians to Hedjaz to accompany pilgrims of their nationality."

Mr. Barrère, President of the Conference, noted that, under these conditions, the Ottoman delegates could sign only the procès-verbal of signature.

Mr. Akerman, delegate of Sweden and Norway, stated that he was not authorized to sign the Convention either for Sweden or for Norway. Furthermore, he reserved the right of each of the United Kingdoms to accede to the Convention after examination.

General Nazare Aga, delegate of Persia, declared that he was signing the Convention ad referendum.