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identity and nationality, as well to the place and date of their arrival at the frontiers.—Each of the Contracting Parties will facilitate the transit on his territory.

The correspondence relative to the return will be made, as far as possible, through the direct channel.

Art. 4

In case the woman or girl to be sent back can not herself pay the expenses of her transportation and she has neither husband, nor relations, nor guardian to pay for her the expenses occasioned by her return, they shall be borne by the country on the territory of which she resides as far as the nearest frontier or port of embarkation in the direction of the country of origin,—and by the country of origin for the remainder.

Art. 5

The provisions of the above articles 3 and 4 shall not infringe upon the provisions of special conventions which may exist between the contracting Governments.

Art. 6

The contracting Governments agree, within the limits of the laws, to exercise, as far as possible, a supervision over the bureaux or agencies which occupy themselves with finding places for women or girls in foreign countries.

Art. 7

The non-signatory States are admitted to adhere to the present arrangement. For this purpose, they shall notify their intention, through the diplomatic channel, to the French Government, which shall inform all the contracting States.

Art. 8

The present arrangement shall take effect six months after the date of the exchange of ratifications. In case one of the Contracting Parties shall denounce it, that denunciation shall take effect only as regards that Party and then twelve months only from the date of the day of the said denunciation.

Art. 9

The present arrangement shall be ratified and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Paris, as soon as possible.

In faith whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present arrangement, and thereunto affixed their seals.

Done at Paris, May 18, 1904, in single copy, which shall be deposited in the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the French Republic, and of which one copy, certified correct, shall be sent to each Contracting Party.