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  • [For France:]
  • [For Germany:]
  • [For Belgium:]
    A. Leghait[seal]
  • [For Denmark:]
    F. Reventlow[seal]
  • [For Spain:]
    F. de Leon y Castillo[seal]
  • [For the United Kingdom:]
    Edmund Monson[seal]
  • [For Italy:]
    G. Tornielli[seal]
  • [For the Netherlands:]
    A. de Stuers[seal]
  • [For Portugal:]
    T. de Souza Roza[seal]
  • [For Russia:]
  • [For Sweden and Norway:]
    The Minister of Sweden and Norway, Åkerman[seal]
  • [For Switzerland:]

Procès-Verbal of Signature

The undersigned Plenipotentiaries, assembled this day for the purpose of proceeding to the signature of the Agreement intended to secure effective protection against the "White Slave Traffic," have exchanged the following Declaration respecting the application of the said Agreement to the respective Colonies of the Contracting States:—

Article 1

The countries signatories of the Agreement have the right to accede thereto at any time for their Colonies or foreign possessions.

They may do this either by a general Declaration comprehending all their Colonies or possessions within the accession, or by specially naming those comprised therein, or by simply indicating those which are excluded.

Article 2

  • The Government of His Britannic Majesty declare that they reserve the right to accede to the Agreement, and to denounce it for each of the British Colonies or possessions.
  • The German Government declare that they reserve their decisions on the subject of their Colonies.
  • The Danish Government declare that they reserve the right to accede to the Agreement for the Danish Colonies.
  • The Spanish Government declare that they reserve their decisions on the subject of their Colonies.
  • The French Government declare that the Agreement shall apply to all French Colonies.
  • The Italian Government declare that the Agreement shall apply to the Colony of Erythræa.
  • The Netherland Government declare that the Agreement shall apply to all the Netherland Colonies.