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When an indemne vessel, coming from an infected port, arrives in a large mercantile port, it is recommended that she be not sent to another port for the execution of the prescribed sanitary measures.

In every country, ports liable to the arrival of vessels from ports infected with plague, cholera or yellow fever, should be equipped in such a manner that indemne vessels may there undergo, immediately upon their arrival the prescribed measures, and not be sent for this purpose to another port.

Governments should make declaration of the ports which are open in their territories to arrivals from ports infected with plague, cholera or yellow fever.

Article XXXVI. It is recommended that in large seaports there be established:

  • (a) A regular medical service and a permanent medical supervision of the sanitary conditions of crews, and the inhabitants of the port.
  • (b) Places set apart for the isolation of the sick and the observation of suspected persons. In the stegomyia belt there must be abuilding or part of a building screened against mosquitoes, and a launch and ambulance similarly screened.
  • (c) The necessary installation for efficient disinfection and bacteriological laboratories.
  • (d) A supply of potable water above suspicion, for the use of the port, and the installation of a system of sewerage and drainage, adequate for the removal of refuse.


Article XXXVII. Land quarantines should no longer be established, but the governments reserve the right to establish camps of observation if they should be thought necessary for the temporary detention of suspects.

This principle does not exclude the right for each country to close a part of its frontier in case of necessity.

Article XXXVIII. It is important that travelers should be submitted to a surveillance on the part of the personnel of railroads, to determine their condition of health.

Article XXXIX. Medical intervention is limited to a visit (inspection) with the taking of temperature of travelers, and the succor to be given to those actually sick. If this visit is made, it should be combined as much as possible with the customhouse inspection to the end that travelers may be detained as short a time as possible. Only persons evidently sick should be subjected to a searching medical examination.

Article XL. As soon as travelers, coming from an infected locality, shall have arrived at their destination, it would be of the greatest utility to submit them to a surveillance which should not exceed ten or five days, counting from the date of departure, the time depending upon whether it is a question