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Chapter III

Act of concession for a State Bank

Art. 31. A bank shall be established in Morocco under the name of the "State Bank of Morocco," to exercise the following specified rights, which are granted to it by His Majesty the Sultan for a period of forty years, to date from the ratification of this act.

Art. 32. The Bank, which will have power to carry on all transactions entering into the operations of a bank, shall have the exclusive privilege of issuing notes to bearer, payable on presentation and receivable for public dues throughout the Moorish Empire.

The Bank shall maintain for a period of two years, to date from its going into operation, cash on hand at least equal to half its notes in circulation, and equal to at least one-third after the expiration of said period of two years. At least one-third of such cash on hand is to be gold bullion or gold coin.

Art. 33. The Bank shall, to the exclusion of every other bank or establishment of credit, discharge the duty of disbursing treasurer of the Empire. To this end the Moorish Government shall take all necessary measures to deposit in the Bank the proceeds of the customs revenues, exclusive of the part thereof applied to the loan of 1904, and such other revenues as it may designate.

With reference to the special tax established in order to carry out certain public works, the Moorish Government must have the same deposited in the Bank, as well as the revenues it may later pledge for its loans, the Bank being especially charged with the payments thereon, except, however, in the case of the loan of 1904, which is governed by special contract.

Art. 34. The Bank shall be the financial agent of the Government both within and without the Empire, without prejudice to the Government's right to apply to other banking houses or establishments of credit for its public loans. The Bank, however, shall enjoy, in regard to such loans, a right of preference, other conditions being equal, over any banking or credit establishment.

For Treasury notes or other short-term notes which the Moorish Government may wish to negotiate without making it a public issue, the Bank shall, however, be charged, to the exclusion of every other establishment, with negotiating the same for the account of the Moorish Government, either in Morocco or abroad.

Art. 35. The Bank shall make advances to the Moroccan Government on account current up to a million francs, chargeable against Treasury receipts.

The Bank shall likewise open a credit account for the Government for the period of ten years, to date from its establishment, such account not to exceed two-thirds of its initial capital.