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the operation of public works, roads, railways, ports, telegraphs, and other public works, the Signatory Powers reserve to themselves the right to see to it that the authority of the State over these great enterprises of general interest remains entire.

Art. 107. The validity of the concessions which may be made under the terms of article 106, as well as for Government supplies, shall, throughout the Shereefian Empire, be subordinated to the principle of public awards on proposals, without preference of nationality, whenever applicable under the rules followed in foreign laws.

Art. 108. As soon as the Shereefian Government shall have decided to invite proposals for execution of public works, it shall so inform the Diplomatic Body. It shall later communicate to it the plans, specifications, and all documents annexed to the call for proposals, in order to enable the nationals of all the Signatory Powers to form a clear idea of the contemplated works and compete for the same. A sufficient term for this shall be specified in the call for proposals.

Art. 109. The specifications shall not contain, either directly or indirectly, any condition or provision which may be prejudicial to free competition and which may give advantage to competitors of one nationality over those of another nationality.

Art. 110. The contracts shall be awarded in the form and according to the general conditions prescribed by the regulations which the Shereefian Government shall draw up with the assistance of the Diplomatic Body.

The contracts shall be awarded by the Shereefian Government to the bidder who, while conforming himself to the specifications, shall have submitted the bid fulfilling the most advantageous general conditions.

Art. 111. The rules of articles 106 to 110 shall be applied to concessions for working cork forests, in accordance with the customary provisions in foreign laws.

Art. 112. The Shereefian firman shall determine the conditions of the concessions and the working of mines and quarries. In the composition of this firman, the Shereefian Government shall be guided by foreign laws relating to such matters.

Art. 113. If in the cases mentioned in articles 106 to 112 it should become necessary to occupy certain property, its expropriation may be effected by previous payment of a fair indemnity, in conformity to the following rules:

Art. 114. Expropriation can only be effected on the ground of public utility and when necessity for the same shall have been ascertained by any administrative investigation, the formalities of which shall be determined by Shereefian regulations drawn up with the assistance of the Diplomatic Body.

Art. 115. If the property holders are Moorish subjects, His Shereefian Majesty shall take the necessary measures, that no hindrance shall impede the execution of works that he shall have declared to be of public utility.