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Panamá—Dr. José Domingo de Obaldía;

Cuba—Dr. Gonzalo de Quesada; Rafael Montoro; Dr. Antonio González Lanuza;

Dominican Republic—E. C. Joubert;

Peru—Dr. Eugenio Larrabure y Unánue; Dr. Antonio Miró Quesada; Dr. Mariano Cornejo;

El Salvador—Dr. Francisco A. Reyes;

Costa Rica—Dr. Ascensión Esquivel;

United States of Mexico—Dr. Francisco León de La Barra; Ricardo Molina-Hübbe; Ricardo García Granados;

Guatemala—Dr. Antonio Batres Jáuregui;

Uruguay—Luís Melian Lafinur; Dr. Antonio María Rodríguez; Dr. Gonzalo Ramírez;

Argentine Republic—Dr. J. V. González; Dr. José A. Terry; Dr. Eduardo L. Bidau;

Nicaragua—Luís F. Corea;

United States of Brazil—Dr. Joaquim Aurelio Nabuco de Araujo; Dr. Joaquim Francisco de Assis Brasil; Dr. Gastão da Cunha; Dr. Alfredo de Moraes Gomes Ferreira; Dr. João Pandiá Calogeras; Dr. Amaro Cavalcanti; Dr. Joaquim Xavier da Silveira; Dr. José P. da Graça Aranha; Antonio da Fontoura Xavier;

United States of America—William I. Buchanan; Dr. L. S. Rowe; A. J. Montague; Tulio Larrinaga; Dr. Paul S. Reinsch; Van Leer Polk.

Chili—Dr. Anselmo Hevia Riquelme; Joaquín Walker Martínez; Dr. Luís Antonio Vergara; Dr. Adolfo Guerrero;

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers and found them to be in due and proper form, have agreed, to celebrate a Convention extending the Treaty on Pecuniary Claims celebrated in Mexico on the thirtieth of January nineteen hundred and two, in the following terms:

The High Contracting Parties, animated by the desire to extend the term of duration of the Treaty on pecuniary claims, signed at Mexico, January thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two, and believing that, under present conditions, the reasons underlying the third article of said Treaty have disappeared, have agreed upon the following:

Sole article. The treaty on pecuniary claims, signed at Mexico, January thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two, shall continue in force, with the exception of the third article, which is hereby abolished, until the thirty-first day of December, nineteen hundred and twelve, both for the nations which have already ratified it, and for those which may hereafter ratify it.

In testimony whereof the Plenipotenciaries and Delegates have signed the present Convention, and affixed the Seal of the Third International American Conference.