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Made in the city of Rio de Janeiro the thirteenth of August nineteen hundred and six, in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, and deposited with the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the United States of Brazil, in order that certified copies thereof be made, and sent through diplomatic channels to the signatory States.

  • For Ecuador—Emilio Arévalo, Olmedo Alfaro.
  • For Paraguay—Manuel Gondra, Arsenio López Decoud, Gualberto Cardús y Huerta.
  • For Bolivia—Alberto Gutiérrez, Carlos V. Romero.
  • For Colombia—Rafael Uribe Uribe, Guillermo Valencia.
  • For Honduras—Fausto Dávila.
  • For Panamá—José Domingo de Obaldía.
  • For Cuba—Gonzalo de Quesada, Rafael Montoro, Antonio González Lanuza.
  • For the Dominican Republic—Emilio C. Joubert.
  • For Peru—Eugenio Larrabure y Unánue, Antonio Miró Quesada, Mariano Cornejo.
  • For El Salvador—Francisco A. Reyes.
  • For Costa Rica—Ascensión Esquivel.
  • For the United States of Mexico—Francisco León de La Barra, Ricardo Molina-Hübbe, Ricardo García Granados.
  • For Guatemala—Antonio Batres Jáuregui.
  • For Uruguay—Luís Melian Lafinur, Antonio María Rodríguez, Gonzalo Ramírez.
  • For the Argentine Republic—J. V. González, José A. Terry, Eduardo L. Bidau.
  • For Nicaragua—Luís F. Corea.
  • For the United States of Brazil—Joaquim Aurelio Nabuco de Araujo, Joaquim Francisco de Assis Brasil, Gastão da Cunha, Alfredo de Moraes Gomes Ferreira, João Pandía Calogeras, Amaro Cavalcanti, Joaquim Xavier da Silveira, José P. da Graça Aranha, Antonio da Fontoura Xavier.
  • For the United States of America—William I. Buchanan, L. S. Rowe, A. J. Montague, Tulio Larrinaga, Paul S. Reinsch, Van Leer Polk.
  • For Chili—Anselmo Hevia Riquelme, Joaquín Walker Martínez, Luís Antonio Vergara, Adolfo Guerrero.