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  • Convention signed at Rio de Janeiro August 13, 1906
  • Senate advice and consent to ratification January 13, 1908
  • Ratified by the President of the United States January 16, 1908
  • Ratification of the United States deposited at Rio de Janeiro February 25, 1908
  • Entered into force May 25, 1908
  • Proclaimed by the President of the United States January 28, 1913

37 Stat. 1653; Treaty Series 575

Convention Establishing the Status of Naturalized Citizens Who Again Take Up Their Residence in the Country of Their Origin

Their Excellencies, the Presidents of Ecuador, Paraguay, Bolivia, Colombia, Honduras, Panamá, Cuba, Peru, El Salvador, Costa Rica, the United States of Mexico, Guatemala, Uruguay, the Argentine Republic, Nicaragua, the United States of Brazil, the United States of America, and Chile;

Desiring that their respective countries should be represented at the Third International American Conference, sent, thereto, duly authorized to approve the recommendations, resolutions, conventions and treaties that they might deem convenient for the interests of America, the following Delegates:

Ecuador—Dr. Emilio Arévalo; Olmedo Alfaro.

Paraguay—Manuel Gondra; Arsenio López Decoud; Gualberto Cardús y Huerta;

Bolivia—Dr. Alberto Gutiérrez; Dr. Carlos V. Romero;

Colombia—Rafael Uribe Uribe; Dr. Guillermo Valencia;

Honduras—Fausto Dávila;

Panamá—Dr. José Domingo de Obaldía;

Cuba—Dr. Gonzalo de Quesada; Rafael Montoro; Dr. Antonio González Lanuza;

Peru—Dr. Eugenio Larrabure y Unánue; Dr. Antonio Miró Quesada; Dr. Mariano Cornejo;

El Salvador—Dr. Francisco A. Reyes;

Costa Rica—Dr. Ascención Esquivel;