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  • 1. For Germany: Under reservation of Article 2.
    • Marschall
    • Kriege
  • 2. For the United States of America:
    • Joseph H. Choate
    • Horace Porter
    • U. M. Rose
    • David Jayne Hill
    • C. S. Sperry
    • William I. Buchanan
  • 3. For Argentina:
    • Roque Saenz Peña
    • Luis M. Drago
    • C. Rúez Larreta
  • 4. For Austria-Hungary:
    • Mérey
    • Bon Macchio
  • 5. For Belgium:
    • A. Beernaert
    • van den Huevel
    • Guillaume
  • 6. For Bolivia:
    • Claudio Pinilla
  • 7. For Brazil:
    • Ruy Barbosa
    • E. Lisbôa
  • 8. For Bulgaria:
    • Général-Major Vinaroff
    • Iv. Karandjouloff
  • 9. For Chile:
    • Domingo Gana
    • Augusto Matte
    • Carlos Concha
  • 10. For China:
  • 11. For Colombia:
    • Jorge Holguin
    • S. Perez Triana
    • M. Vargas
  • 12. For the Republic of Cuba:
    • Antonio S. de Bustamante
    • Gonzalo de Quesada
    • Manuel Sanguily
  • 13. For Denmark:
    • A. Vedel
  • 14. For the Dominican Republic: With reservation on the first paragraph of the first article.
    • Dr. Henriquez y Carvajal
    • Apolinar Tejera
  • 15. For Ecuador:
    • Victor M. Rendón
    • E. Dorn y de Alsúa
  • 16. For Spain:
  • 17. For France: Under reservation of Article 2.
    • Marcellin Pellet
  • 18. For Great Britain: Under reservation of the following declaration: "In affixing their signatures to the above Convention the British plenipotentiaries declare that the mere fact that this Convention does not prohibit a particular act or proceeding must not be held to debar His Britannic Majesty's Government from contesting its legitimacy."
    • Edw. Fry
    • Ernest Satow
    • Reay
    • Henry Howard
  • 19. For Greece:
    • Cléon Rizo Rangabé
    • Georges Streit
  • 20. For Guatemala:
    • José Tible Machado
  • 21. For Haiti:
    • Dalbémar Jn Joseph
    • J. N. Léger
    • Pierre Hudicourt
  • 22. For Italy:
    • Pompilj
    • G. Fusinato
  • 23. For Japan:
    • Aimaro Sato
  • 24. For Luxemburg:
    • Eyschen
    • Cte. de Villers
  • 25. For Mexico:
    • G. A. Esteva
    • S. B. de Mier
    • F. L. de la Barra
  • 26. For Montenegro:
  • 27. For Nicaragua:
  • 28. For Norway:
    • F. Hagerup
  • 29. For Panama:
    • B. Porras