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  • 30. For Paraguay:
    • G. du Monceau
  • 31. For the Netherlands:
    • W. H. de Beaufort
    • T. M. C. Asser
    • den Beer Poortugael
    • J. A. Röell
    • J. A. Loeff
  • 32. For Peru:
    • C. G. Candamo
  • 33. For Persia:
    • Momtazos-Saltaneh M. Samad Khan
    • Sadigh ul Mulk M. Ahmed Khan
  • 34. For Portugal:
  • 35. For Roumania:
    • Edg. Mavrocordato
  • 36. For Russia:
  • 37. For Salvador:
    • P. J. Matheu
    • S. Perez Triana
  • 38. For Servia:
    • S. Grouïtch
    • M. G. Milovanovitch
    • M. G. Militchevitch
  • 39. For Siam: Under reservation of Article 1, paragraph 1.
    • Mom Chatidej Udom
    • C. Corragioni d'Orelli
    • Luang Bhüvanarth Narübal
  • 40. For Sweden:
  • 41. For Switzerland:
    • Carlin
  • 42. For Turkey: Under reservation of the declarations recorded in the procès-verbal of the eighth plenary session of the Conference held on October 9, 1907.[1]
    • Turkhan
  • 43. For Uruguay:
    • José Batlle y Ordoñez
  • 44. For Venezuela:
    • J. Gil Fortoul

  1. The Turkish declarations read, in translation, as follows:

    "The Imperial Ottoman delegation can not at the present time undertake any engagement whatever for perfected systems which are not yet universally known. . . . The Imperial Ottoman delegation believes that it should declare that, given the exceptional situation created by treaties in force at the straits of the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus, straits which are an integral part of the territory, the Imperial Government could not in any way subscribe to any undertaking tending to limit the means of defense that it may deem necessary to employ for these straits in case of war or with the aim of causing its neutrality to be respected. . . . The Imperial Ottoman delegation can not at the present time take part in any engagement as regards the conversion mentioned in Article 6."