Page:Login USENIX Newsletter feb1983.djvu/11

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;login: 1983 Software Distribution Tape Submissions Several contributions of software for the (first) 1983 USEN1X distribution tape have been received. Mike O’Dell of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory has gone through them and wrote the sum- mary presented below. All 1983 Institutional members including binary license holders will receive all contributed material for which there are no AT&T license restrictions. The next article in this issue of ;login: describes the procedures followed by the office when send- ing distribution tapes. Please note that each Institutional member must send a copy of its license(s) to the office with its 1983 membership form. The office expects to send tape release forms to all 1983 Institutional members in April. Contents of the 83.1 USENIX Tape Submissions The “restrictions” deal with AT&T licensing provisions and do not represent any other positions by the submitters (e.g., commercial use of the submissions). Submitter: Brian Harvey Affiliation: Lincoln-Sudbury High School and Atari LOGO implementation Version 3 Restrictions: none Submitter: Martin Tuori Affiliation: Defense and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine Downsview, Ontario bench — a UNIX System performance benchmark suite This is a VERY nice piece of work, and eminently useful to people trying to tune their system. man — manual pages for everything src — assorted utilities Restrictions: none sys — V7 drivers Dicomed COM device via DR-1 IB Modified TM tape driver Xylogics disk controller mdec — bootstrap code for Xylogics controller Restrictions: V7 or later source license Volume 8, Number 1 March 1983 11