Page:Login USENIX Newsletter feb1983.djvu/12

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;login: Submitter: Gary Perlman Affiliation: UC San Diego and Bell Labs MENUNIX — a program for Exploring User Interfaces. The submitter emphasizes this is not a production “shell” and was originally created only as an experiment. Data Analysis Programs — interesting statistics tools for UNIX These programs interconnect with the usual pipe interface, giving a nice toolkit for explor- ing small to moderate data sets. Restrictions: none Submitter: Yoram Shoham m Affiliation: Geotronics Corp. libarg — an argument line cracker Restrictions: V7 or later source license spool — a line printer spooler cmd — some random utilities Restrictions: none Submitter: J. D. Wise Affiliation: EE Department, Rice University EDIT — a screen editor based on UNIX ed Restrictions: V7 or later source license Submitter: Geffrey Kodosky Affiliation: National Instruments s6 — some tools for extracting cost information from files and including them in proposals Restrictions: none diag — a restricted UNIX environment for stand-alone utilities and diagnostics This allows diagnostic programs to be written in C and have decent user interfaces. It sure would be nice if this existed for processors besides the PDP-11! Restrictions: V6 or later source license Submitter: Steven McGeady Affiliation: Tektronics System III uucp with “all known bug fixes” The submitter also included a paper copy of “all known bug fixes”, but did not include it in machine-readable form so it cannot be included. Restrictions: System III source license 12 March 1983 Volume 8, Number 1