Page:Login USENIX Newsletter feb1983.djvu/13

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;login: USENIX Association Software Distribution Tapes One of the benefits of Institutional membership in the USENIX Association is the right to receive tapes containing member-contributed software. These tapes are distributed by the Association office once or twice a year, depending on the contributions made. The Association must abide by the licensing provisions of AT&T when distributing software to Institutional members. We do this by receiving copies of the pages of each Institutional member’s license (s) that show: • the name of the institution holding the license, • the version (s) of UNIX the institution is licensed for and whether it is for source or binary, • the type, serial number, and location of the CPU, and • the signatures of AT&T and the institution. The Association must also protect itself and the people and institutions who contribute software. We do this by receiving two signed copies of an Association-provided release form from each Institu- tional member. The release forms are mailed to the Institutional delegate of each institution. The release form is used: • to relieve USENIX and the contributers of any liability for the software provided, • to confirm that the institution still has the license, and • to allow the delegate to specify which of the distribution tapes is to be sent if the institution holds more than one license. The release form that will be used this year is very similar to that used in previous years. The Associa- tion has been advised that it cannot send distribution tapes to Institutional members who are unable or unwilling to complete the release form. This year the license pages mentioned above are being requested with the Institutional member- ship application so we will have all necessary information on hand when the release forms are being prepared. The institution will be responsible for providing the office with documentation of subsequent license changes or additions. Licenses will be verified with AT&T before the release forms for each distribution are mailed to the Institutional member. The software contributed may be covered by several different licenses, depending on what is con- tributed. It is separated into sets of software covered by the same AT&T license or by no license. Each Institutional member receives a distribution covered by one type of license that it holds. The fol- lowing table shows the licensed material that may be received by the holder of a given source license. license held Version 6 PWB Version 7 32V System III may receive material covered by Version 6 only Version 6 or PWB Version 7 only 32V only any of the above licenses AT&T states that binary license holders may not receive source material that was derived from AT&T-licensed material. Additionally, under a given AT&T binary sub-license the holder may not receive covered binary material from a source other than the licensor. However, they may receive source material that is not covered by license. If there have been no software contributions that are covered by a member’s license and no con- tributions that are not covered by any license, then that Institutional member will not receive a distri- bution. However, this rarely happens. If an institution has more than one license it may specify on the release form which distribution it wishes to receive. Distributions for other licenses may be requested from the office. Volume 8, Number 1 March 1983 13