Page:Lord Amherst and the British Advance Eastwards to Burma.djvu/226

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Nicolls, Major-General, afterwards Sir Jasper, led assault on Bhartpur, 144.

Non-Aryans, success of British administration among the, 48.

Non-Regulation system, first used by Amherst for newly occupied territories, 42.

Ochterlony, General Sir David, 32: recognizes right of Balwant Singh to succeed to Bhartpur, 133: proposes to attack Dúrjan Sál, 134: plan disallowed, 135: death and character, 135, 136: affection for Metcalfe, 137: in charge of Rájputána and Málwá, 168.

Opium, production of, at Ghazipur, 177.

Oudh, condition of, considered satisfactory by Amherst, 182: see Ghází-ud-dín Haidar.

Outram, Captain, afterwards Sir James, tamed the Bhils, 47.

Oxford, Christ Church, Amherst educated at, 12.

Pagan, occupied by the British army, 124.

Paget, General Hon. Sir Edward, suppressed the Mutiny of the Sepoys at Barrackpur, 151-153: Commander-in-chief in India, 166.

Pancháyat, Amherst's belief in the, 41.

Patiála, Mahárájá of, puts down a religious riot at Bhadaur, 129.

Peel, Robert, afterwards Sir Robert, a Commissioner of the Board of Control, 165.

Pegu, town of, taken by the British, 96.

Perjury, tendency to, of natives of India, partly accounted for, 43.

Permanent Settlement, the, 33-35.

Persia, Amherst's relations with, 26n.

Peshwa: see Bájí Ráo.

Plassey, Amherst visits battlefield of, 60.

Plymouth, Mary, Countess of, marries Earl Amherst as second wife, 209.

Plymouth, Sarah, Countess of, marries Earl Amherst, 12: see Amherst, Sarah, Countess.

Port Cornwallis, Andaman Islands, expedition to Rangoon concentrates at, 84.

Portuguese at Macao spread reports about Amherst's mission to China, 17: adventurers in Burma, 68.

Press, question of freedom of the, in India, 22-24: the Bengali, 49.

Price, Dr., American missionary, anecdote of the King of Ava, 123.

Prome, occupied by Sir Archibald Campbell, 109: its advantages, 111: the troops housed at, 113: battles fought at, 118, 119.

Ráj Garoo, interview with Lord Amherst, 64, 65: a Burmese spy, 121, 122.

Rám Mohan Rái, 50.

Rámnagar, Amherst visits the Mahárájá of Benares at, 178,

Ramrí, the Rájá of, Burmese Governor of Arakan, 74.

Rámu, British defeated by Maha Bandúla at, 91.

Rangoon, always accessible according to Captain Canning, 80: taken by the expedition under Sir A. Campbell, 84: as it was in 1824, 86: the British army shut up in, 89: Maha Bandúla attacks, but is repulsed, 99, 100: the troops advance from, 105: evacuated by the British, 125.

Ranjít Singh, Mahárájá, in bad health, 198: sends a deputation to Amherst, 199, 200: description of his Court, 200, 201.

Ráyatwárí settlement established