Page:Lord Amherst and the British Advance Eastwards to Burma.djvu/227

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by Munro in Madras during Amherst's administration, 35.

Ricketts, Mordaunt, Resident at Lucknow, 168.

Rio de Janeiro, Amherst touches at, on his way to China, 15: to India, 52.

Riverhead, Kent, the home of the Arnhersts, 9, 10: the American wood at, 11: called Montreal, 11.

Robinson, Sir George Abercrombie, Chairman of the Court of Directors, informs Amherst he is about to be recalled, 155: accepts his resignation, 204.

Roses at Gházípur, 177.

St. Helena, Amherst has an interview with Napoleon at, 20.

Sale, Major, afterwards Sir Robert, takes Bassein, 107.

Samru, Begam, watched assault on Bhartpur, 145: visited Lady Amherst, 192, 193: her history, 193: her mode of life, 195.

Santa Cruz, Amherst touches at, on his way to India, 52.

Satí, Amherst refused to suppress, 48: a case described, 63, 64: being gradually discontinued, 197, 198, 205.

Shahpuri, island, occupied by the Burmese, 78: but at once abandoned, 79.

Shans raised to oppose the British advance on Ava, 113. 115, 116: their princesses, 113, 114: one princess killed in action, 119.

Shore, Sir John: see Teignmouth, Lord.

Shwe Dagon Pagoda described, 86.

Siam, importance of, in Burmese complications, 68: negotiations with, 112.

Simla, Lord Amherst's residence at, 199-202: the first Governor-General to visit, 203.

Sind, the Amirs of, support disorder in Cutch, 132.

Sindhia, Daulat Ráo, too ill to visit Amherst, 182: his death, 189, 190: character and career, 190, 191.

Skinner, Colonel J. H., his irregulars reviewed by Amherst at Delhi, 195.

Somerset, Lord Charles, Governor of Cape Colony, visited by Amherst, 15.

Soron, Amherst reviews Gardner's irregulars at, 181.

Stewart, Major Josiah, Resident at Gwalior, his account of Sindhia's death, 189, 190: and of his character, 190, 191.

Stockades, the Burmese, 93.

Subáthu, Amherst visits, 197, 203, 204.

Surmá River, British defeated by the Burmese on, 77.

Swinton, George, admiration for Metcalfe, 138: Secretary to Government in the Political Department, 166.

Symes, Colonel Michael, his missions to Burma, 71.

Syriam, capital of a Portuguese adventurer, 68: its position, 88: taken by the British, 96.

Taung-ngu, occupation of, 124.

Tavoy, taken by the British, 98.

Teignmouth, John Shore, Lord, compromises with the Burmese, 70, 71: a Commissioner of the Board of Control, 165.

Tenasserim, military operations in, 98, 99: ceded by treaty of Yandabu, 125.

Thackeray, St. John, killed at Kittúr, 130, 131.

Tharawadi, Prince of, surrendered command of Burmese before Kangoon to Maha Bandúla, 99: driven from Prome, 109: the rival of Maha Bandúla, 110, 111.

Thuggee, 46.

Ticonderoga, taken by Jeffery Amherst, 10.