Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/272

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"That finishes us," he groaned.

"Wait a minute," Minot said. "They didn't find the necklace. I didn't have it. I'd lost it"

"Lost it?"

"Yes. And if you want my opinion, I think Martin Wall stole it from me on the Lileth and is now on his way—"

Harrowby leaped from bed, and seized Minot gleefully by the hand.

"Dear old chap. What the deuce do I care who took it. It's gone. Thank God—it's gone,"

"But—I don't understand—"

"No. But you can understand this much. Everthing's all right Nothing in the way of the wedding now. It's splendid! Splendid!"

"But—the necklace was stolen—"

"Yes. Good! Very good! My dear Minot, the luckiest thing that can happen to us will be—never, never to see Chain Lightning's Collar again!"

As completely at sea as he had been that night—which was more or less at sea—Minot returned to his room. It was after three o'clock. He turned out his lights and sought his bed. Many wild conjectures kept him awake at first, but this