Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/273

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had been the busiest day of his life. Soon he slept, and dreamed thrilling dreams.

The sun was bright outside his windows when he was aroused by a knock.

"What is it?" he cried.

"A package for you, sir," said a bell-boy voice.

He slipped one arm outside his door to receive it—a neat little bundle, securely tied, with his name written on the wrappings. Sleepily he undid the cord, and took out—an envelope.

He was no longer sleepy. He held the envelope open over his bed. Chain Lightning's Collar tumbled, gleaming, upon the white sheet!

Also in the package was a note, which Minot read breathlessly.

"Dear Mr. Minot:

"I have decided not to go north after all, and am back in the harbor with the Lileth. As I expect Trimmer at any moment I have sent George over to Tarragona Island in charge of two sailormen for the day.

"Martin Wall.

"P. S. You dropped the enclosed in the scuffle on the boat last night."