Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/419

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"But—everything's gone—it's a bit of a smash-up. Good-by, Cynthia."

"Good-by, Allan—and good luck."

"Thanks." And Harrowby went out with his brother.

Minot stood for a time, not daring to move. Cynthia Meyrick was at the window; her scornful back was not encouraging. Finally she turned, saw Minot and gave a start of surprise.

"Oh—you're still here?"

"Cynthia, now you understand," he said. "You know why I acted as I did. You realize my position. I was in a horrible fix—"

She looked at him coldly.

"Yes," she said, "I do understand. You were gambling on me. You came down here to defend your employer's cash. Well, you have succeeded. Is there anything more to be said?"

"Isn't there? On the ramparts of the old fort the other night—"

"Please do not make yourself any more ridiculous than is necessary. You have put your employer's money above my happiness. Always. Really, you looked rather cheap to-day,