Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/420

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with your sanctimonious advice that I marry Harrowby. Aren't you beginning to realize your own position—the silly childish figure you cut?"

"Then you—"

"Last night when you came staggering across the lawn to me with this foolish gown in your arms—I told you I hated you. Do you imagine I hate you any less now. Well, I don't." Her voice became tearful. "I hate you! I hate you!"

"But some day—"

She turned away from him, for she was sobbing outright now.

"I never want to see you again as long as I live," she cried. "Never! Never! Never!"

Limp, pitiable, worn by the long fight he had waged, Minot stood staring helplessly at her heaving shoulders.

"Then—I can only say I'm sorry," he murmured. "And—good-by."

He waited. She did not turn toward him. He stumbled out of the room.