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Adjutant General's Office,

Head Quarters Montreal, 4th August, 1814

The Commander of the Forces has the highest satisfaction in promulgating to the Troops, the


issued by Lieutenant General Drummond, after the action which took place on the 25th of last month, near the Falls of Niagara. His Excellency is desirous of adding to the meed of Praise so deservedly bestowed by the Lieut-General on the troops, regulars and militia, who had the good fortune to share in this brilliant achievement, the deep sense he entertains of their services, and of the distinguished skill, and energetic exertions of Lieutenant General Drummond in the measures which have terminated in repelling the Invaders from His Majesty's territories.

The Commander of the Forces unites with Lieut. General Drummond, in sincerely lamenting the great loss which the service has sustained by the severe wound received by Major General Riall, and his subsequent untoward cai)ture. It will be a most pleasing part of the duty of the Commander of the Forces to bring the meritorious services of the Right Division of the army of the Canadas before the gracious considcration of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent.

Adjutant General, N. A.
Head-Quarters, Falls 0/ Niagara,
26th July, 18 14. J


Lieutenant-General Dummond offers his sincerest and warmest thanks to the Troops and Militia engaged yesterday, for the exemplary steadiness, gallantry and discipline in repulsing all the efforts of a numerous and determined Enemy to carry the position of Lundy's Lane, near the Falls of Niagara ; their exertions have been crowned with complete success, by the defeat of the Enemy and his retreat to the position of Chippawa, with the loss of two of his guns and an immense number of Killed and Wounded, and several hundred Prisoners. When all have behaved nobly, it is unnecessary to hold up particular instances of merit in Corps or Individuals. The Lieut, General cannot however refrain from expressing in the strongest manner his admiration of the gallantry and steadiness of the 89th Regiment, under Lieut. Colonel Morrison, and Major Clifford, who ably and gallantly supplied the Lieut. Colonel's place after he was wounded; 41st