Page:Lyra heroica.djvu/112

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She with all a monarch's pride Felt them in her bosom glow,

Rushed to battle, fought, and died, Dying, hurled them at the foe :

'Ruffians, pitiless as proud,

Heaven awards the vengeance due;

Empire is on us bestowed, Shame and ruin wait for you.'

Cowper. XXXVI


IF doughty deeds my lady please

Right soon I'll mount my steed; And strong his arm, and fast his seat

That bears frae me the meed. I'll wear thy colours in my cap

Thy picture at my heart; And he that bends not to thine eye Shall rue it to his smart !

Then tell me how to woo thee, Love;

O tell me how to woo thee ! For thy dear sake, nae care I'll take, Tho' ne'er another trow me.

If gay attire delight thine eye

I'll dight me in array; I'll tend thy chamber door all night,

And squire thee all the day.

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