Page:Lyra heroica.djvu/113

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If sweetest sounds can win thine ear These sounds I'll strive to catch;

Thy voice I'll steal to woo thysell, That voice that nane can match.

But if fond love thy heart can gain,

I never broke a vow; Nae maiden lays her skaith to me,

I never loved but you. For you alone I ride the ring,

For you I wear the blue; For you alone I strive to sing, O tell me how to woo !

Then tell me how to woo thee, Love;

O tell me how to woo thee ! For thy dear sake, nae care I'll take, Tho' ne'er another trow me.

Graham of Gartmore. XXXVII


BLOW high, blow low, let tempests tear

The mainmast by the board; My heart, with thoughts of thee, my dear,

And love well stored, Shall brave all danger, scorn all fear,

The roaring winds, the raging sea, In hopes on shore to be once more

Safe moored with thee!

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