Page:Macfadden's Fasting, Hydropathy and Exercise.djvu/211

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A cold sitz bath on arising. Wet sheet pack to follow same if symptoms are severe. One light meal a day until benefit is noticed. Deep breathing exercises, and great care to see that pure air is secured at all times.


Same treatment as for Boils.


Treatment should aim at building up the general health, and purifying the blood in every way. Long walks and deep-breathing exercises in the open air. Regular use of some system of exercises such as are illustrated here. Every care to secure fresh air at all times, and special attention required to thorough mastication of food that digestion may be carried on more perfectly and more easily. The daily use of some antiseptic wash for the nostrils can be commended, such as a very mild solution of salt and water; about a quarter teaspoonful of salt to a glass of water. This solution must never be made stronger as it very often irritates the mucous membrane and makes the symptoms more severe if this mistake is made.


Cold sitz bath and wet sheet pack twice a day.