Page:Macfadden's Fasting, Hydropathy and Exercise.djvu/219

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slightly fatigued. Take a long walk each day, with many deep-breathing exercises. Confine the diet to two light meals or one full meal per day. Thoroughly masticate every morsel of food eaten. This process will strengthen the heart, though immediate satisfactory results must not be expected.


Cold sitz bath after accelerating circulation, with exercise upon arising each morning. Until symptoms begin to disappear only one meal a day should be eaten, and food should be masticated very thoroughly; but little meat should be eaten. Unless symptoms are severe, long walks with deep-breathing exercises, will be found of advantage. If especially severe, the flushing of the colon treatment can sometimes be recommended.


Same treatment as for Dyspepsia. Don't eat until very hungry.


Treatment for this trouble should be constitutional. The entire system of exercises illustrated here should be taken once daily. Long walks in the open air, with deep breathing, can also be commended. The diet should be confined