Page:Madras journal of literature and science vol 2 new series 1857.djvu/69

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APRIL — JUNE 1857.] Descriptions ofneio Ceylon Coleoptera. 59

ated in front, narrowed at the base and has the ant, angles strongly rounded off. The last joint of both the maxillary and labial palpi is cylindric and truncated at the apex, in the maxill. it is shorter than in the labial ones, in the latter somewhat narrowed at the base and slightly inflated at the middle, both appear slightly compress- ed at the apex. The el^'tra are strongly rounded at the apex. The insect has a very strong smell, somewhat like riusk, about it.

49. Chlccniits maleolens. N.

C. capite. thorace scutelloque obscure cupreo-viridi-glaucescen- tibus. elytris o'Jscurioribus, pubescentibus, maculis 2 subapicalibus flavis ornatis, subtus piceus, pedibus testaceis, ore antennisque brunneis, mandibulis limboque castaneis ; capite ad clypei margi- nem post, profundis 2-foveolato punctulato, occipite leviter trans- versira ruguloso ; antennis art 3° quarto subsequali vel paulo bre- viore ; menti dente apice leviter sinuato ; thorace subquadrato, la- teiibus leviter rotundatis, profundius punctulato atque levissime transversim rugoloso, ad basin 2-impresso, parce piloso ; elytris densius pubescentibus, striatis, in interstitiis 3-8 utrinque ante api- cem macula suborbiculari flava ornatis ; long. corp. 6 J lin.

Specimen singulum m. prope Colombo cepi.

Also a handsome and rare species, smelling strongly and disa- greeably of creosote. Head thorax and scutellum are of a dull bluish green color with copper reflexions on the back, the elytra are of a blackish green, pubescent and adorned with 2 yellow spots between the middle and apex, this is of an irregular, rounded out- line and stretches from the middle of the 3rd interstice across to the 8 stria. The 4th joint of the maxill palpi is subcylindric, that of the labial ones larger, plump and rather triangular. Tooth of the mentum not bifid but truncated and merely slightly sinuated at the apex. The elytra are narrowed at the apex.

50. Harpalus { Ophonus J senilis, N.

H. oblongo-ovatus, subdepressus,punctato-rugosus,griseo-pubes- cens, supra seneus, subtus piceus, ore pectoreque dilutioribus, pe- dibus testaceis, antennis basi palpisque apice flavis ; capite robusto antice rotundato, postice parum angustato, thorace vix angustiore; >