Page:Madras journal of literature and science vol 2 new series 1857.djvu/70

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60 Descriptio7is of new Ceylon Coleoptera. [no. 3, new series,

antennis humeros attingentibus art. 2o parvo, reliquis longitudine subsequali ; mandibulis obconicis robustis, una unidentata, altera incisa ; labro vix emarginato ; palpis art. ovato, apice abruptius angustato, leviter truncate ; thorace transverse, longitudine tertia parte latiore, elytris vix angustiore, lateribus rotundato, infra med. leviter angustato, basi subquadrato, hie vj,x, antice leviter emargi- nato, angulis apicalibus obtuse acuminatis, basalibus subrecte ro- tundatis; elytris punctato-striatis, apice fortius 2-sinuatis etangus- tatis; tarsis art. 4° cordato ; long. corp. 4| lin. lat. 1|. lin.

Prope Colombo sat copiosus. c

This as well as the succeeding two species fly very commonly into rooms at night during the rainy weather. The present spec, is a fine, comparatively large, robust insect. I may add to the above description that the emargination of the mentum is of middling size, its lobes rounded externally and its tooth just marked in the shape of a slight obtuse rising at the bottom of the emargination. The ligula is very small and narrow, the paraglossae very large adhering to it and enveloping it fully and on all sides, the whole is very slight- ly cut away at the apical angles and slightly, but abruptly and ra- ther deeply, notched at the centre of the anterior margin. I may further notice that some of the individuals before me have the apex of the maxill. palpi prolonged, cylindric and slightly bent inwards ; as this is not a sexual distinction and as the insects thus distin- guished differ in no other respect from the rest, I look upon them as curious varieties.

51. Harpalus ( OpJionus) rugosiis N.

H. prsecedenti simlllimus sed s^squi minor, magis rugosus, an- tennis robustioribus art. 5-11 ovatis leviter depressis, colore supra parum obscuriore, subtus dilutiore, pedibus albidis, coxis tarsisque brunneis, antennis totis castaneis ; long. corp. 3J lin.

The small size and, upon close inspection, the other peculiarities just pointed out, readily distinguish this species from the former in spite of their close affinity in other respects. They are both equally common about Colombo.