Page:Malabari, Behramji M. - Gujarat and the Gujaratis (1882).djvu/117

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shower of "dirty Jupiter" in the streets, a Police Commissioner set upon by rabid dogs!

How Roads are Made.

This road was first made by H. H.Khunderow. Mad Mulhár Rao, on coming to the gádi, paid a visit of state to Billimorá. Now, Mulhár Rao, as we all know, is a man of honour. So he refused to enter the town by the road made by his brother. He ordered a special road to be made for him in a few hours. The officers mowed down fields, telling the owners that His Highness the Guicowár was to sanctify the soil by driving through it. Mulhár Rao drove through the road thus improvised, and paid Rs. 25,000, which went into the officials' pockets, the owners of the fields making the best of the half-destroyed harvest. On this wise are Public Works conducted in native states.

Billimorá Proper.

Billimorá belongs mostly to Parsis, who have a Tower of Silence there, and other religious and social institutions. The Dustoor[1] cannot

  1. Parsi Levite.