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Index:Malabari, Behramji M. - Gujarat and the Gujaratis (1882).djvu

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Title Gujarát and the Gujarátis: pictures of men and manners taken from life
Author Behramji Malabari
Year 1882
Publisher W. H. Allen
Location London
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded


Introduction 1
Surat 11
Broach 38
Baroda 49
En Route to Ahmedabad 92
In to Ahmedabad 104
The People—Hindus 111
Mahomedans 122
Parsis 134
The Borás of Gujarát 152
Láliá "Boys" 160
Characters—The Márwári 162
The Village Hajaam 172
The Va'quil 178
Scenes in a Small Cause Court 183
Scenes in a Mofussil Magistrate's Court 192
Native Mendicants 199
The Missionary in the Mofussil 207
Shett Jamál Gotá, Philanthropist 213
Home Life in Gujarát 223
Holidays 253
The Inimitable Rámáyan 266
The Baleva 274
The Shráwan Más 277
The Muktád 281
The Mo'haram 286
The Unholy Holi 290