Page:Malabari, Behramji M. - Gujarat and the Gujaratis (1882).djvu/74

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is indispensable to progress and enlightenment. Get up popular lectures and street-preaching. "Steady internal progress," and all that, is very well, but let the people learn to enjoy life under your administration. In their present state they are almost justified in looking back. Let them forget the past. The "glorious" reign of rapine and plunder and the degrading superstition, they must be taught to hold in horror. Give them something on the strength of which they may fondly look forward. Let the agricultural interests of your people claim your deepest consideration. Get up cattle shows, and agricultural shows, and vegetable shows. Get up, if not fine, industrial arts exhibitions.

The Viscount, the Sáthmári, and the Popinjay.

Attend all ye who, &c., to a soul-stirring account of the Baroda Sáthmári, which implies an elephant fight, but really means much more than that. In the year of grace 1879, 12th day of April, it pleased my Lord of Hinchinbrook, a Government guest, to ask to be shown the elephant fight. To hear a live lord is to obey; and instantly were issued thundering despatches