Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/108

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540. "I was angered, I said nothing, hastily I went out again; I called back: 'Now shall it be seen if I did not wish it![1] Am I become so cowardly that a woman urges me to fight?' I went home, I concerted his slaughter, I was not idle.

541. "I commanded a hundred servants: 'Prepare for battle!' We mounted, we passed through the city without letting anyone perceive us. I went into the tent. It is a horror to tell with the tongue how the bridegroom was lying; I killed that youth without shedding of blood (? on our side), though his blood cried out as it flowed.[2]

542. "I cut the tangled edge of the tent, I tore it, I seized the youth by his legs and struck his head on the tent-pole. Those lying at the door cried; their lamentation was marvellous.[3] I mounted my horse, departed, my coat of chainmail protected me.

543. "An alarm was raised against me; there was a cry to pursue me. I went on, they began to follow, I slew my pursuers. I had a strong city, impregnable to the foe; I reached it in safety, pleasantly, unhurt.

544. "I sent a man, I made known to all the soldiers: 'Let all who will aid me come hither!' My pursuers did not weary of coming in the depth of dark night; when they recognized me they kept their heads whole.[4]

545. "I arose at daybreak; I apparelled myself when night dawned into morn. I saw three lords sent by the king; he sent a message, saying: 'God knows I have fostered thee like my son; why hast thou thus changed my rejoicing into heaviness?

546. "'Why didst thou make Khvarazmsha's innocent blood to fall on our house! If thou didst desire my daughter, why didst thou not tell me so? Thou hast made life distasteful to me, thine aged foster-father; thou thyself

  1. ? "if it was I or another who wished it?"; ? "if I want not her who wants me."
  2. Tariel's mental conflict between duty to his sovereign and obedience to his mistress thus ends (M., xii., xxxix), l. 4? "though there was rumour of bloodshed."
  3. Saarace, fabulous, fit for a story.
  4. "They preferred not to risk their lives."