Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/218

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me your names! From Gulansharo I go, a messenger to Kadjet'hi; have a care of me." When we heard this we approached, we formed a circle round about. A certain sun-faced rider appeared before our eyes.

1206. "'We gazed at the brilliant face flashing out lightning, its glittering spread itself over the surroundings like the sun; rarely she spoke to us with some gentle discourse, (then) from her teeth the ray lighted up her jetty lashes.[1]

1207. "'Again we addressed that sun with sweet-discoursing tongue; she was not a slave, she spoke falsely, this we perceived. Roshak discovered that it was a damsel; he rode by her side; we did not let her go, we made bold to keep her in our hands.

1208. "'Again we asked: "Tell us the true story of that sun-like light of thine. Whose[2] art thou, who art thou, whence comest thou, enlightener of darkness?" She told us nought; she shed a stream of hot tears. How pitiable is the full moon swallowed by the serpent![3]

1209. "'Neither plain tale nor secret, she told us nought, neither who she was, nor by whom she had been treacherously treated; angrily she spoke with us, sullen, on the defensive, like an asp[4] attacking[5] onlookers with her eye.

1210. "'Roshak ordered us: "Ask not, it seems nought is to be said now; her business is a strange one and difficult to be told. The good fortune of our sovereign is to be desired by creatures, for God giveth her whatever is most marvellous.

1211. "'"This (damsel) has been destined to us by God that we might bring her; we will take her as a gift,[6] she (Dulardukht) will render us very great thanks; if we conceal it, we shall be found out, (and) our sovereign is

  1. Sarebi, long poles with sharpened points standing upright in the ground, vine supports; 869.
  2. 1159.
  3. Eclipse, 122, 125, 277, 1136, 1396.
  4. Aspiti, Gr.
  5. Mlalavi, Ch., quarrelsome, snappish, ? darting; 1035. Cf. mlalvides, Song of Songs, I. 5, Tsagareli's ed. of Athos text (Engl. Auth. version I. 6, "were angry with").
  6. Armaghani, P., 1360.