Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/219

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proud:[1] first, it is an offence to her, then it is a great disgrace.

1212. "'We agreed, we prolonged not the discussion. We returned, we made for Kadjet'hi, leading her with us; we ventured not to speak directly[2] to her, nor did we annoy her. She weeps; with embittered heart she laves her cheeks in flowing tears.

1213. "'I said to Roshak: "Give me leave; soon again shall I attend you. At present I have some business in the city of Gulansharo." He granted me leave. Hereabout I have some stuff[3] to be carried off, I will take it with me, I will go and overtake them.'

1214. "This story of the slave greatly pleased those men. I heard it; the stream from the pool of tears dried up in me. I guessed, I recognized every sign of (her who is my) life;[4] this gave me a little comfort, like a drama's weight.

1215. "I laid hold of that slave and set him close before me. I asked him: 'Tell me what thou wert saying; I, too, wish to hear.' He told me again the same as I had heard thence (i.e., from my hiding-place). This story enlivened me; me, struggling in soul (with death), it preserved alive.

1216. "I had two black slaves full of sorcery,[5] by their art they go and come invisible; I brought them out, I despatched them to Kadjet'hi, I said: 'Tarry not; give me tidings of her by your deeds.'

1217. "In three days they came and told me, swiftly had they trod the road: 'The queen,[6] who was ready to go over the sea, has taken her. None can fix his eyes to gaze upon her, as upon the sun. She (the queen) has betrothed[7] her (Nestan) as wife to the little boy[8] Rosan.

1218. "'"We shall wed her to Rosan," this is the decree of Queen Dulardukht, 'at present I have not leisure for the wedding, now is my heart consumed with fire; when I

  1. Amaqi.
  2. ? "to touch her."
  3. Lari, 1042.
  4. Ghone, power, means; here, perhaps, "life, source of life."
  5. Grdzneba also means "sense, keenness."
  6. Mep'he, king, sovereign.
  7. Kve, 1021, 1091, 1219.
  8. Qma, knight, youth.