Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/263

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1477. P'hridon humbly did homage, he expressed exceeding gratitude: "O king, why thinkest thou me stupid and thus mazed? Every enemy seems to thee as straw, however much he may be like a thick cudgel.[1] My joy lasts but so long as I shall be a gazer on thee."

1478. P'hridon made men go back to bring camels to take away all this treasure to his home. Now they set out thence on the road leading to Arabia. Avt'handil is a minished[2] moon (by longing) to be united with the sun (T'hinat'hin).

1479. When many days[3] were passed they reached the boundaries of Arabia; they saw villages, castles, frequent, uninterrupted; those dwelling therein had clothed their forms in blue and green,[4] all are bathed in tears for Avt'handil.

1480. Tariel sent a man to the presence of King Rosten to say: "I venture, O king, to approach thee full of desire; I, King of the Indians, come to your royal court; I will show thee the rosebud, unfaded, unplucked.

1481. "Formerly my sight of thy ground made you angry; thou didst ill in attempting to capture me, to urge thy horse against me; I showed thine armies some sign of anger, I massacred many slaves, servants of your palace.

1482. "Now therefore I come before you, I have gone out of my way; you will pardon me that in which I sinned against thee, let thy wrath be sufficient. We have no offerings, as P'hridon and his knights can testify; the only gift I have brought you is your Avt'handil."

1483. Tongue cannot shortly tell how they rejoiced when the messenger of these good tidings came to the king; the brilliancy of three rays[5] was added to T'hinat'hin's cheeks, the shadow of eyebrows and lashes makes fairer the crystal and ruby.

1484. They beat the kettledrums and peals of joyous

  1. "However sturdy, he is to thee as nothing"; ceti, club, mace (1020).
  2. Galeuli, exhausted, reduced to the lowest degree of brightness.
  3. Khanebi, times; or, "when they had gone a long time."
  4. ? mourning colours; 1181.
  5. ? A threefold brilliancy.