Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/74

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from her how can the heart bear separation (even if it were) adamant or forged (steel)?

317. "So she grew up, (and) I was able to go to battle. Since the king looked upon the maid as the heir to the kingship, he gave me back into the hands of my father. When I was of that age I played at ball,[1] I sported in the lists, I killed a lion like a cat.

318. "The king built a house, and in it a dwelling for the maid; for stone he used bezoar,[2] cut jacinths and rubies; in front was a little garden and a fountain[3] of rose-water for bathing; there abode she for whose sake a furnace of flame consumes me.

319. "Day and night cut aloes poured forth their incense from censers.[4] Sometimes she sits in the tower; sometimes she descends to the garden when it is shaded. Davar[5] was the king's sister, a widow who had been wedded in Kadjet'hi[6]; to her the king gave his child to be taught wisdom.

320. "The palace was curtained with cloth of gold[7] and costly brocades[8]; none of us saw her (how) she became crystal and rose of face; Asmat'h and two slaves she had, they played backgammon.[9] There her shape was formed; she grew up like (? a tree) in Gabaon.[10]

321. "I was fifteen years old. The king brought me up as a son; by day I was before him, (and) he did not even give me leave to sleep (at home). In power a lion, to the eye a sun, in form I was like one reared in Eden; they lauded the feats done by me in archery and in the lists.

322. "The arrow I shot slew beasts and game; returned from the plain, I played at ball in the square[11]; then I went home, I used to make a feast, accustomed con-

  1. Burt'hi, 20, 68, 322.
  2. P'hazari, P., pad zahr, antidote.
  3. Saradji, P.
  4. Mudjamari, A.
  5. Means in Georgian, "I am sister."
  6. 1225, etc.
  7. Oksino, 1359.
  8. Shadi. Cf. 359 for another sense.
  9. Nardi, 82.
  10. Gabaon is the Gibeon of the Books of Joshua, Samuel, etc. The phrase is far from clear. A traditional interpretation makes it refer to the twin hillocks of Nestan's breast.
  11. Moedani, P.