Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/1162

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Lamella. A thin plate or scale.

Lamellar, Lamellate. Composed of thin plates, or furnished with them.

Lamina. The blade or dilated portion of a leaf.

Lanate. Clothed with woolly hairs.

Lanceolate. Shaped Uke a lance-head; tapering upwards from a narrow ovate base.

Lanuginous. Clothed with long woolly or cottony hairs.

Lateral. At the side; fixed on or near the side.

Lax. Loose, distant.

Legume. The seed-vessel of Leguminosæ; a one-celled and two-valved capsule, of very various form.

Leguminous. Pertaining to or bearing legumes; belonging to the order Leguminosæ.

Lenticel. Lenticular corky spots on young bark, corresponding to epidermal stomata.

Lenticular. Lens-shaped.

Lentiginous. Covered with minute dots or freckles.

Lepidote. Covered with small scurfy scales.

Ligule. (1.) A strap-shaped body, as the limb of the corolla in the florets of Compositæ. (2.) The thin scarious appendage at the junction of the leaf-blade with the sheath in grasses.

Ligulate. Furnished with a ligule; strap-shaped.

Limb. (1.) The expanded and usually spreading part of a gamopetalous corolla, as distinct from the tube. (2.) The lamina of a petal or leaf.

Linear. Narrow and elongated, with parallel margins.

Lineate. Marked with lines.

Lineolate. Marked with fine lines.

Linguiform, Lingulate. Tongue-shaped.

Lip. (1.) Either of the two divisions of a bilabiate corolla or calyx. (2.) The labellum of orchids.

Littoral. Growing near the sea-shore.

Lobe. Any division of a leaf, corolla, &c., especially if rounded.

Lobe, Lobate. Divided into or bearing lobes.

Lobule. A small lobe.

Lobulate. Having small lobes.

Locellate. Divided into secondary cells or compartments.

Loculicidal. When the cells of a capsule open along the back between the septa, or by the dorsal suture.

Lodicule. A name apphed to the minute hyaline scales just outside the stamens in the flowers of grasses.

Lorate. Strap-shaped; thong-shaped.

Lucid. Having a shining surface.

Lunate. Half-moon shaped.

Lurid. Of a dingy brown or yellow.

Lutescent. Yellowish.

Lyrate. Lyre-shaped; pinnatifid with the terminal lobe large and rounded, the lower lobes small.

Macrosporangium. A sporangium containing macrospores.

Macrospore. The larger kind of spore in vascular cryptogams.

Maculate. Spotted or blotched.

Male. A plant or flower which possesses stamens.

Mammilla. A nipple or teat-shaped projection.

Mammillate. Having nipple-shaped projections.

Marcescent. Withering and persistent.

Marginal. Placed upon or belonging to the edge or margin.

Marginate, Margined. Furnished with an edge or border of a different character to the rest of the organ.