Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/1163

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Maritime. Belonging to the sea or the neighbourhood of the sea.

Massula. A group of microspores contained in a special envelope, as in Azolla.

Membranous, Membranaceous. Thin, soft, and translucent, like a membrane.

Mericarp. A name applied to one of the two carpels composing the fruit of Umbelliferæ.

Mesocarp. The middle layer of a fruit or pericarp.

Micropyle. The opening or mark in the integument of a seed indicating the position of the foramen of the ovule.

Microspore. The smaller kind of spore in vascular cryptogams.

Midrib. The central and principal nerve of a leaf.

Monadelphous. Having the stamens all united by their filaments into a column or tube.

Monandrous. Having a single stamen.

Moniliform. Resembllng a necklace or string of beads; constricted at regular intervals.

Monochlamydeous. Applied to those plants whose flowers have only a single perianth.

Monocotyledons. Those plants whose embryo has but one cotyledon or seed-lobe.

Monœcious. Having the stamens and pistils in separate flowers, but borne on the same plant.

Monopetalous. Gamopetalous; having all the petals united by their edges.

Monophyllous. (1.) One-leaved, as an involucre composed of a single piece. (2.) Equivalent to "gamosepalous" or "gamopetalous."

Monotypic. Applied to a genus with but one species.

Mucilaginous. Composed of mucilage; sllmy.

Mucro. A sharp terminal point.

Mucronate. Possessing a short and sharp terminal point.

Mucronulate. Ending in a diminutive mucro.

Multifarious. Arranged in many vertical rows or ranks.

Multifid. Cleft into many lobes or segments.

Muricate, Muricated. Rough with short hard points.

Muriculate. Diminutive of "muricate"; minutely muricate.

Muticous. Blunt; without a point.

Naked. Bare; without its usual covering or appendages, as a stem without leaves, a flower without perianth.

Navicular. Boat-shaped.

Nectar. The sweet secretion within a flower; honey.

Nectariferous. Honey-bearing.

Nerve. A simple or unbranched vein or slender rib.

Nerved. Having nerves or slender ribs.

Netted. Reticulated; net-veined.

Node. That part of a stem or branch from which leaves or branches are given off; the knots in the stems of grasses.

Nodose. Knotty or knobby; usually apphed to roots.

Nut. A hard indehiscent one-celled fruit.

Nutlet. A small nut; sometimes applied to the hard seed-like divisions of the fruit of Labiatæ.

Obconic. Shaped like an inverted cone.

Obcordate. Inversely heart-shaped, the notch being uppermost.

Oblique. (1.) Unequal-sided. (2.) Slanting; turned to one side.

Oblong. Considerably longer than broad, with parallel sides and rounded ends.

Obovate. Inversely ovate, the broadest part towards the apex.

Obovoid. A solid with an obovate outline.

Obsolete. Wanting or imperfectly developed.