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General Lists of New Works.

Davidson's Introduction to the Study of the New Testament. 2 vols. 8vo. 305. Elllcott'g (Bishop) Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles. 8vo. Galatians, 8*. ed.

Ephesians, 8s. 6d. Pastoral Epistles, 10*. 6d. Philippians, Coloasiana, and

Philemon, 10*. 6d. Thessalonians, 7s. 6d. Ellicott's Lectures on the Life of our Lord. 8vo. 12*. Ewald'a History of Israel, translated by Carpenter. 5 vols. 8vo. 63j.

~ Antiquities of Israel, translated by Solly. 8vo. 12*. 6d. Gospel (The) for the Nineteenth Century. 4th Edition. 8vo. IO5. 6d. Hopkins's Christ the Consoler. Fcp. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Jukes's New Man and the Eternal Life. Cro^n 8vo. 65.

— Second Death and the Eestitution of all Things. Crown Svo. 3*. W.

— Types of Genesis. Crown 8vo. 7*. 6d.

Kalisch's Bible Studies. Part I. the Prophecies of Balaam. Svo. 10«. 6d.

— — — Part II. the Book of Jonah. Svo. 10*. 6d.

— Historical and Critical Commentary on the Old Testament; with a New Translation. Vol. I. Genesis, Svo. 18*. or adapted for the General Reader, 12*. Vol. II. Exodus, 15*. or adapted for the (General Reader, 12*. Vol. m. Leviticus, Part I. 15*. or adapted for the General Reader, Ss. Vol. IV. Leviticus, Part 11. 16*. or adapted for the General Reader, 8*.

Lyra CJermanica : Hymns translated by Miss Winkworth. Fcp. Svo. 6*. Martineau's Endeavours after the Christian Life. Crown Svo. 7*. 6<f.

— Hymns of Praise and Prayer. Crown Svo. 4*. Bd. 32mo. 1*. 6d.

— Sermons, Hours of Thought on Sacred Things. 2 vols. 7*. 6<f . each. MIU'b Three Essays on Religion. Svo. 10*. Gd.

Monsell's Spiritual Songs for Sundays and Holidays. Fcp. Svo. 6*. ISmo. 2*. Mailer's (Max) Lectures on the Science of Religion. Crown Svo. 10*. 6d. Newman's Apologia pro Vita Sua. Crown Svo. 6*. Passing Thoughts on Rehgion. By Miss Sewell. Fcp. Svo. 3*. 6d. Sewell's (Miss) Preparation for the Holy Commimion. 32mo. 3*.

— — Private Devotions for Young Persons. ISmo. 2s. Smith's Voyage and Shipwreck of St. Paul. Crown Svo. 7*. 6d. Supernatural Religion. Complete Edition. 3 vols. Svo. 36*. Thoughts for the Age. By Miss SeweU. Fcp. Svo. 3*. 6d. Whately's Lessons on the Christian Evidences. ISmo. 6d.

White's Four Gospels in Greek, with Greek-English Lexicon. 32mo. 8*.


Baker's Rifle and Hound in Ceylon. Crown 8vo. 7*. 6^.

— Eight Years in Ceylon. Crown Svo. 7*. 6d.

Ball's Alpine Guide. 8 vols, post Svo. with [Maps and Hlustrationa : — I. Western

Alps, 6*. 6d. II. Central Alps, 7*. 6d. III. Eastern Alps, 10*. 6d. Ball on Alpine TraveUing, and on the Greology of the Alps, 1*. Brassey's Sunshine and Storm in the East. Crown Svo. 7*. Bd.

— Voyage in the Yacht 'Sunbeam.' Crown Svo. 7*. 6rf. School Edition, fcp. Svo. 2*. Popular Edition, 4to. Bd.

Hasaall's San Remo and the Western Riviera. Crown Svo. 10*. Bd.

Macnamara's Medical Geography of India. Svo. 21*.

Miller's Wintering in the Riviera. Post Svo. Illustrations, 7*. 6d.

London, LONGMANS & CO.