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10 General Lists of New Works.

Packe's Guide to the Pyrenees, for Slountameers. Crown 8vo. 7i. 6d. The Alpine Clnb Map of Switzerland. In Four Sheets. 42*. Three in Norway. By Two of Them. Crown 8vo. Illustrations. Weld's Sacred Palmlands. Crown 8vo. 10*. 6d,


Buried AUve, Ten Years of Penal Servitude in Siberia. Crown 8vo. 6*. Cabinet Edition of Novels and Tales by the Right Hon. the Earl of Beaconsfield,

K.Gr. 11 vols, crown Svo. price 6*. each. Cabinet.Edition of Stories and Tales by Miss Sewell. Crown Svo. cloth extra, gilt edges, price 3*. Sd. each:— Amy Herbert. Cleve Hall. I Katharine Ashton.

The Earl's Daughter. Laneton Parsonage.

Experience of Life. Margaret Perdval.

Ctertrude, Ivors. I Ursula.

Novels and Tales by the Right Hon. the Earl of Beaconsfield, K.G-. Hughenden Edition, with 2 Portraits engraved on Steel and 11 Vignettes engraved on "Wood. 11 vols, crown Svo. price £2. 2s. Lothair. Coningsby. j Contarini Fleming.

Sybil. Tancred. Alroy, Ixion, &c.

Venetia. Henrietta Temple. | The Young Duke, &c.

Vivian Grey. Endymion. The Modern Novelist's Library. Each Work in crown Svo. A Single Volume, complete in itself, price 2*. boards, or 2*. 6d. cloth:—

By the Earl of Beaconsfield, Z.G.






Henrietta Temple.

Contarini Fleming.

AJroy, Ixion, &c.

The Young Duke, &c.

Vivian Grey.

Endymion. By Anthony Trollope.

Barchester Towers.

The Warden.

By Major Whyte-Mdville.

Digby Grand.

General Bounce.

Kate Coventry.

The Gladiators.

Good for Nothing.

Hoknby House.

The Interpreter.

The Queen's Maries. By the Author of ' the Atelier du Lys.'

Mademoiselle Mori.

The Atelier du Lys. By Various Writers.

Atherstone Priory.

The Burgomaster's Family.

By the Author of ' the Rose Garden.' Elsa and her Vulture.

Unawares. | The Six Sisters of the Valleys.

Novels and Tales by the Right Hon. the Earl of Beaconsfield, K.G. Modern

Novelist's Library Edition, complete in 11 vols, crown Svo. price £1. 13*.

cloth extra, with gilt edges. Whispers from Fairy Land. By the Right Hon. Lord Braboume. With Nine

niustrations. (>own Svo. 3*. 6d, Higgledy-Piggledy; or. Stories for Everybody and Everybody's Children. By

the Right Hon. Lord Braboume. With Nine Illustrations from Designs by

R. Doyle. Crown Svo. 3*. 6d.


Bailey's Festus, a Poem. Crown Svo. 12*. 6d.

Bowdler's Family Shakspeare. Medium Svo. 14*^ 6 vols. fcp. Svo. 21*.

Cayley's Iliad of Homer, Homometrically translated. Svo. 12*. 6d.

London, LONGMANS & CO.