Page:Marco Rubio to the Institute of Museum and Library Services on Religious Discrimination.pdf/1

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United States Senate
WASHINGTON, DC 20510-0908

July 28, 2023

The Honorable Crosby Kemper
Institute of Museum and Library Services
955 L’Enfant Plaza North, SW
Suite 4000
Washington, D.C. 20024

Dear Director Kemper:

We write to urge the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to take swift action in light of the American Library Association’s (ALA) blatant discrimination against religious publishers.

It was recently revealed that the ALA, as part of their Library 2023 Worldwide Virtual Conference, gave guidance on how to deny the ability for individuals to assemble in public libraries to hold events organized by religious publishers. Specifically, the ALA is purportedly attempting to hinder the ability of Brave Books, a faith-based children’s book publisher, to access public libraries to host events with parents and children to teach kids about “faith, hope, and love,” as well as “pray[ing], sing[ing], and read[ing] Brave Books and other books of virtue.”

The ALA claims that Brave Books seeks to “censor LGBTQIA materials or disparage or silence LGBTQIA library users, [and] exploit the open nature of the library to advance their agenda.” To the contrary, the ALA is advancing a political agenda, not Brave Books. Further, the ALA is doing so while receiving federal funds and actively promoting hotly contested events in public libraries, including “Drag Queen Story Hours”—events aimed at having scantily and/or exotically clothed adults read to children with the goal of introducing them to sexualized topics. The ALA has an entire page dedicated to “Drag Queen Story Hour,” which includes a program session labeled “Reading Fabulously.”

Over the course of several decades, the ALA has received millions of dollars in taxpayer dollars. Ironically, the ALA has been given federal funds for “free community engagement training.” As a recipient of federal funds, the ALA is prohibited from using taxpayer dollars to violate the First Amendment. However, it appears the ALA is ignoring this prohibition for the sole purpose of silencing Brave Books while simultaneously also advocating for “Drag Queen Story Hour.”

Public libraries must remain open to the public, and their availability should not be subject to the political whims of the ALA. While disagreements pertaining to “Drag Queen Story Hour” in public libraries will assuredly continue, Brave Books deserves the same opportunity to