Page:Marco Rubio to the Institute of Museum and Library Services on Religious Discrimination.pdf/2

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host and organize events in public libraries as other groups, including those that the ALA has taken an aggressive role promoting.

The ALA is actively discriminating against Brave Books on account of their faith and is likely doing so with taxpayer funds. Given the ALA’s blatant acts of discrimination against Brave Books, we urge the IMLS to investigate this matter. Further, we demand that all current funds, as well as considerations for all future federal funds, to the ALA be immediately halted until such an investigation into the ALA’s conduct has concluded. The ALA should not be eligible to receive federal funding should an investigation find that the ALA violated the First Amendment rights of Americans.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your prompt response.


A personal signature appears here

Marco Rubio
U.S. Senator

A personal signature appears here

Mike Braun
U.S. Senator

A personal signature appears here

Kevin Cramer
U.S. Senator